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Bait Maryam, a warm hug of a UAE eatery

THERE ARE OVER 200 nationalities in Dubai, many of whom.. Read more

Savour Arabian delicacies at Bait Maryam

Starting as a collection of recipes handed down through generations,.. Read more

Bait Maryam chef Salam Dakkak recognised as MENA’s best female chef

At first glance, it may seem strange to combine a.. Read more

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Your home,
away from home

بيتك ومطرحك

Your home, away from home

بيتك ومطرحك


Levantine home

Named after the owner’s mother, this passionately run ‘home’ offers a warm welcome and delicious, home-style Levantine dishes cooked with love. Sit in the cool, tranquil dining room or out on the glass-enclosed lakeside terrace. The lunch ‘dish of the day & soup’ is a steal – and dessert is a must.

Als een online casinospeler zich wil vermaken na het spelen in een koele, rustige eetzaal, dan is hij bij ons welkom. Restaurant Levantine House is vernoemd naar de moeder van de eigenaresse, die zorgde voor de best mogelijke omgeving voor lekker eten en informatie over Hoe maak je een goede indruk tijdens een sollicitatiegesprek? Ook zal de chef de geïnteresseerde online casinospeler vertellen over zijn filosofie en benadering van koken.

Our Menu

A true melting pot of Middle Eastern
comfort food


Main Course



Chef Salam Dakkak

Levantine House offers a warm welcome to online casino players who want to enjoy dishes prepared with love. In the restaurant, you can sit on a cool terrace by the lake or in a room where different news about ‘Ma’am we are a baseball team’: Harrisburg Senators remind Twitter that they play baseball, can’t change voting laws is often broadcast. The chef, at the request of his clients playing in online casinos, can tell what food means to him and why it is an important part of the personality.

Two-time Michelin award winner Chef Salam Dakkak welcomes you to her class. Chef Salam touches upon the diversity in the Levant and how it translates directly to the region’s culture and cuisine. She shares her philosophy and approach to cooking, what food means to her and why it is a significant part of her identity.

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